According to WHO, 5% of the world’s population (430 million people) is combating disabling hearing loss. They reported that 80% of these affected people belong to low and middle-income countries. In India, the numbers aren’t bright either. The information revealed that 4.5% – 18.3% of Indian adults suffer from hearing loss.
Centre For Hearing is a premier hearing aid centre that aims to combat the prevalence of hearing loss in India. Centre for Hearing is established to provide top-tier facilities across India and minimise the impact of hearing loss.
Centre For Hearing – Fighting Hearing Loss
A lack of well-equipped hearing aid centres is the main cause of the alarming rise in undetected hearing loss. Centre for Hearing is a chain of state-of-the-art clinics across India that houses expert audiologists registered with the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). Centre for Hearing believes in handholding the individuals affected with hearing loss.
This belief extends to assisting individuals in all aspects of dealing with hearing loss, including the following:
- First visit to an audiologist and pointers regarding where to start
- Pinpointing the stakeholders and directing you to the right person
- Providing a clear and detailed solution
- Recommending the solution that suits your budget and problem
- Timely care tips and maintenance for the hearing problems
Centre for Hearing is not only a hearing aid centre but a complete hearing care institution that effectively treats hearing loss. They have also outlined the impacts of untreated hearing loss. All Centre for Hearing clinics possess European diagnostic equipment known for its accuracy.
Following are the facilities and hearing care services offered by Centre for Hearing:
1. Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA)
This basic hearing test helps determine the degree of hearing loss. Despite being a basic hearing test, the process and equipment involved are quite sophisticated. The accuracy of this test depends on a noise-free acoustic room with an experienced person conducting the same. Centre for Hearing has qualified and experienced professionals handling this equipment to ensure correct results.
2. Impedance Audiometry
This is called ‘Tympanometry’. The goal of this test is to identify problems in the middle ear. This test determines how well the sound gets transmitted from the eardrum into the ear. Impedance audiometry helps detect ear conditions like the accumulation of fluids in the middle ear, rupture in the eardrum, otitis media, and so on.
3. Oto-Acoustic Emissions (OAE)
OAE test helps ensure that the inner ear or cochlea is working well. The inner ear produces sound waves when subjected to external sound. The OAE test measures this response. If the inner ear fails to produce a response, it indicates a hearing loss. This test also detects any kind of blockages in the outer and middle ear.
4. Brain Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA)
BERA test detects hearing loss in children. In many cases, it so happens that the audiometry tests mentioned above don’t work on impacted individuals and yield no result. BERA test helps to identify the site of the hearing difficulty. No normal hearing aid centre performs this test, but Centre for Hearing has the cutting-edge tools to perform BERA effectively.
5. Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR)
The brain responds to external sounds. ASSR tests provide information about the lowest frequency that invokes the brain to respond. ASSR test can be performed on both ears simultaneously, leading to a wide range of results. This test is conducive for newborn infants. The test fetches detailed results and gives a clear picture of the treatment needed.
6. Cochlear Implant Candidacy Evaluations
A comprehensive assessment is necessary before recommending any solution. A cochlear implant is a necessity in case of severe sensorineural hearing loss. Thus before any recommendation, several tests are conducted to determine whether a candidate is suitable for cochlear implants. Centre for Hearing has experts who take the utmost care in conducting the appropriate tests.
7. Cochlear Implant Rehabilitation
Treating hearing loss isn’t as easy as fitting a hearing aid or an implant. Once the implants are in place, the impacted individual needs careful handholding and orientation. After the successful implant, all sounds are as good as new for the individual. They need care and patience to get accustomed to processing this new world in a layered manner. Centre for Hearing assists proactively in taking the utmost care with rehabilitation and making people comfortable with their newly fit cochlear implants.
8. Hearing Aid Trials & Fittings
Based on the extensive testing and results, individuals are ready for hearing aid trials and fitting. Centre for Hearing always recommends the best quality hearing aids that suit everyone’s needs and budget. Centre for Hearing is allied with the best and most technologically advanced brands of hearing aids. Our expert audiologists are aligned with a brand-agnostic approach to ensure that the hearing aid fits your needs and ear.
9. Wide Selection of Hearing Aids Brands
Since Centre for Hearing has a brand-agnostic approach, we offer the patient an option of several brands rather than coerce customers towards a specific brand. Centre for Hearing is a platinum-awarded dispenser of all the leading hearing aid brands – Signia, Widex, Phonak, ReSound, Oticon, and Starkey.
Centre For Hearing- Your Trusted Hearing Aid Consultant
Hearing loss is a daunting condition; instead of sweeping it under the rug, it is imperative to deal with it proactively. It is best to banish the social stigma around hearing aids and leverage technologically advanced hearing aids to combat hearing loss. You can thus convince your loved ones and explore the website and the blog section to learn how Centre for Hearing is spreading awareness and tackling hearing loss.
Dеlhi – North
Addrеss: Shop No.5, B-157, Gujranwala Town, Part 1, Dеlhi – 110009.
Contact: 9667707491
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Addrеss: Shop No- 154, Bhagat Singh Markеt, Golе Markеt, Nеw Dеlhi-110001
Contact: 9667707491
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Addrеss: G-17A, Ashirwaad Complеx, D-1 Grееnpark, Nеw Dеlhi – 110016
Contact: 9810942432
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Addrеss: Room #29, OPD 2, First Floor, Manipal Hospital, Palam Vihar, Sеctor 6, Dwarka, Nеw Dеlhi.
Contact: 9667707491
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