Tinnitus is a condition characterised by annoying ringing or buzzing sounds in the ears. This particular health issue has varying degrees, ranging from bearable to downright debilitating.
There is one more type of this condition called Pulsatile tinnitus, in which a thumping sound replaces the ringing noise. Individuals affected by pulsatile tinnitus hear these thumps in sync with their heartbeats. It is a rare form of tinnitus and can be a symptom of other conditions in the body. Audiologists believe it has something to do with diseases impacting arteries and veins.
In this blog post, we will discuss some major aspects of pulsatile tinnitus and a few effective treatment options.
Main Causes of Pulsatile Tinnitus
Pulsatile tinnitus can result from a combination of any underlying condition in the body. The most glaring symptom is the whooshing sound erupting simultaneously with the heartbeat.
People experiencing this must contact their doctors immediately and get themselves examined. The following are some of the major causes of Pulsatile tinnitus:
1. Head injury
A study published in January 2020 outlines a case of a 28-year-old male patient who experienced this issue after suffering head trauma. A head injury also triggers general tinnitus, which can transform into its pulsatile counterpart depending on the severity of the head trauma.
2. Ear tumors
Many blood vessels exist in the middle ear. A presence of a tumor in this area can block the blood flow over time, and the pulsating sound can result from this blockade. One must consult an expert capable of diagnosing such tumors.
3. High blood pressure
High blood pressure degrades the strength of blood vessels, including those present inside the ears. Consequently, it begins to impact the auditory system and eventually leads to pulsatile tinnitus.
4. Hardening of arteries
This condition is also called Atherosclerosis, which occurs when a lot of fat, cholesterol, and other cellular waste accumulates within the arteries. It is a precursor to the hardening arteries and can lead to pulsatile tinnitus if left untreated.
Effective Treatment Options for Pulsatile Tinnitus
After confirmation of symptoms, one must consult expert audiologists to mitigate the impact of condition.
Following are some techniques to tackle pulsatile tinnitus:
1. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Cognitive behavioral therapy is used as a coping mechanism for tinnitus. Behavioral experts teach powerful techniques to enhance the lifestyle by ignoring the pulsating sounds in the head. It isn’t a simple distraction but involves a proper plan to help individuals to be productive despite this condition.
2. Sound treatment
It involves a more direct approach. As tinnitus is a type of noise, individuals are subjected to white noise to counter this high-intensity sound. This can be as simple as turning on video clips of nature’s sounds that mask the pulsating in the head. This treatment can be carried out under the supervision of any hearing care professional.
3. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
This therapy includes multiple sessions with Hearing Care Professional who directly address the condition. Individuals affected with this health issue are instructed to cope with the noise and pay less attention to it. It takes a while to get acclimatised, but it is pretty effective in the long run.
4. Relaxation and stress relief
Since pulsatile tinnitus is linked to high blood pressure, treating stress becomes crucial. This can lead to heightened stress and thus make the situation worse. Breathing exercises and relaxation can mitigate it and help maintain a healthy, stress-free lifestyle.
Final Note
In most cases, tinnitus and hearing loss go hand in hand. Hearing aids have significantly evolved. Centre For HearingⓇ recommends consulting an audiologist before buying any hearing aid.
Centre For HearingⓇ: Top Tier Hearing Health Care Provider in India
Hearing Loss and Tinnitus are both daunting conditions that cripple a healthy lifestyle. Centre For HearingⓇ is one of India’s leading hearing health care provider, adept at delivering the best treatment.
As proactive hearing healthcare provider, we aim to dispel the silent epidemic of hearing loss. Our expert audiologists are capable of diagnosing hearing problems and treating them effectively. All Centre For HearingⓇ clinics have state-of-the-art equipment to conduct extensive hearing tests.
Also, the Centre For HearingⓇ is allied with the best hearing aid brands that are budget friendly and potent in treating hearing loss.
Impacted individuals can get their queries resolved by leveraging the free helpline number on the Centre For HearingⓇ website.
If you are experiencing pulsatile tinnitus symptoms, use the centre locator to find the nearest clinic and book an appointment today!
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