Gone are the days of bulky earpieces with annoying high-pitched screeches and uncomfortable fit. Welcome advanced smart hearing aids technologies that are changing how people with auditory issues hear and live.
Using digital technology, Hearing aid technology has evolved rapidly over the last decade. The result? People with hearing troubles hear not only louder but also clearer.
So how do these technologically advanced auditory solutions practically change people’s lives with hearing difficulties? Centre For Hearing takes a peek into this realm of unlimited possibilities…
Five Ways How Smart Hearing Aids are Changing Lives
Today’s smart hearing aids are big on comfort and performance while dramatically smaller in dimensions. As a result, these high-tech devices drastically improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people with hearing difficulties.
1. Smart hearing aids are automatic
In previous generation hearing aids, adjustments had to be made manually. For instance, changing volume settings or adjusting any other settings in these old devices could perturb the system. Therefore, restoring it to the previous settings is even challenging.
But that is not the case with today’s smart hearing aids. Instead, these advanced hearing aids can adjust automatically according to your needs. For instance, the smart hearing aids remember which settings you use and adapt to that preference. Like the natural ears, Smart hearing aids are a complete sensory system on their own.
2. Smart hearing aids come with rechargeable batteries
Old hearing aids use replaceable batteries, so you have to replace the batteries every few weeks to keep them working. In addition, there’s a considerable cost of batteries that would add on with time.
Also read: Here’s Why Two Hearing Aids are Better than One
But the scenario has completely changed with smart hearing aids as they come with the option of rechargeable batteries. The result, sheer ease of using the hearing aids without a worry of when the battery finishes or last-minute runs to the shop to purchase batteries before the weekend.
3. Smart hearing aids boost confidence
The biggest challenge faced by people with hearing issues is that they feel out of the mainstream and fear being social. Instances of not responding to someone appropriately because of hearing difficulties often intimidate them from participating in group discussions with confidence.
Smart hearing aids help in regaining that lost confidence. These incredibly powerful devices effectively suppress background noise to increase conversational clarity in day-to-day life.
Further, they have a ‘Directionality’ feature which enables the hearing aids to work synchronously, detecting the direction of different types of noise and speech, and focusing on the most important speech. Think about your visit to a busy restaurant – background music, the cling-clang of cutlery, loud people on the table behind you, etc.
4. Smart hearing aids beat the winds
Windy conditions often create diffraction for hearing-impaired people who use outdated hearing aids. But smart hearing aids solve this problem with the latest technologies.
It balances the audio signal by automatically decreasing the volume of the side which is affected by winds. The result – no distraction in a windy environment.
5. Motion Sensors in Smart hearing aids
Motion Sensors in hearing aids help detect when you are walking while having a conversation and it adjusts the directional microphones automatically. Directional microphones help to focus on the direction of speech. Motion sensor technology improves the level of conversation while you are walking.
6. Smart hearing aids are a boon for music lovers
There is a vast difference between musical signals and everyday speech signals. This is because speech signals mainly come from a single source, but that is not so with musical signals.
People with hearing difficulties often complain that they cannot enjoy the music to the fullest, using their traditional hearing aids and sometimes with the newer ones as well.
But with some adjustments to these high-tech gadgets, smart hearing aids solve this problem too. Here’s how:
By disabling Feedback Reduction System
Smart hearing aids come with a Feedback Reduction System that automatically reduces or eliminates high-frequency sounds in music. So, disabling the feedback reduction system will help you listen to the music more clearly.
By disabling Noise Reduction System
A noise Reduction System is often built-in in intelligent hearing aids. And it is designed to effectively obstruct background noise while, for instance, speaking to someone in public places.
But, this feature can interfere with listening to music since sometimes the software can misinterpret some musical notes with background noise and restrict the same. Hence disabling helps in avoiding this error.
Direct connectivity
Smart hearing aids come with Bluetooth technology. As you can already guess, with the help of this technology, you can directly connect your hearing aids to other Bluetooth-enabled devices such as car music players, TV, smartphones for seamless music-listening sessions.
What is more, you can even answer your phone calls directly, and listen to music clearly and easily. Isn’t it amazing!
Also, read for more detailed information: How Modern Hearing Aids Make Listening To Music Easier!
If you think you are facing hearing issues, you should not wait much and consult an audiologist. Just so you know, 90% of people buy inappropriate hearing aids due to bad consultation.
Visit the Centre For Hearing to receive the perfect hearing aid advice. More than 200,000 happy customers and 40+ years of experience have made us a leading provider of hearing aids.
We only work with the best, world-renowned hearing aids brands like Widex, ReSound, Starkey, Signia, Phonak and many more. If you are still unsure, just look at why people trust us for critical auditory care.
Learn more about How to get your free hearing aids consultation here.
Call us on +91 9811227269 for a FREE CONSULTATION!
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